MiDas Exam Papers
Generate Exam Paper in 60 seconds
For community and institutional schools of Nepal

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3 Simple Steps

Follow these steps to generate your exam question papers.


Select Class & Subject

Select class and subject for which you want to generate exam question paper.

Choose Chapters

Choose the chapters from which you want to ask questions in the exam.

Preview & Print

Preview your exam question paper, make necessary changes, download it as PDF and print.

MiDas Exam Papers
Midasexampapers.com is an online software tool designed to generate exam question papers instantly for community (public) and institutional (private) schools of Nepal.

This application saves time and effort for teachers by eliminating the manual task of selecting and arranging questions for exams.

Midasexampapers.com ensures that question papers are well-balanced, varied and aligned with the learning objectives of the curriculum.


It is a valuable tool for teachers to ensure consistency accross Unit Tests, Terminal Assesments and Final Exams.

Available Classes & Subjects

Please select a class to view the available subjects.


Products and Services of MiDas

For Schools & Teachers

Digital Educational Content
to make Class Teaching
Interactive, Entertanining & Effective

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Specification Grid Based
Exam Question Paper
Generating Online Service

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For Students

Curriculum Based
Audiovisuals, Quizzes & Games
to learn anytime, anywhere

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Online Tutoring Programs
to help students
in their studies

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